Three Es: Establish, Explore, and Expand
Providing everyone with a healthy and cosy community through climbing is the core mission of our project. Our goal is to help everyone establish a community, explore through it, and expand it beyond climbing.

Our Philosophy
We Don't Destroy, We Resonate
Community is important to us, but ours is not the only one that matters. We do not want to destroy other communities for us to grow, rather we want to resonate with them. Therefore, we try to communicate with locals as transparent as possible, and when we build something (e.g. climbing gym), we will do our best to respect the pre-existing community and culture and to preserve the scenery.

Circulation of Profit
We can achieve our goals only with the support from others including our friends and customers. It is the same with our products. To show our gratitude and to contribute to local business including, but not limited to, craftsmen and lumber business, we reimburse certain portion of our profit to them so that we can all grow together.